Local Pride
Past Exhibition
In collaboration with Bainbridge High School SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance) and Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island Rainbow Club this intergenerational project celebrates the experiences of both local youth and adults. As an exchange across individuals and generations, Local Pride explores what it means to be part of the LGBTQ+ community on Bainbridge Island through storytelling and artistic expression.
About Our Partners
Rainbow Club is a Boys & Girls Club LGBTQAI+ community group for teens ages 13 to 18. The program provides opportunities to explore identity, challenge gender norms and provide a safe place for queer and questioning youth to be accepted for who they are.
Bainbridge High School SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance) strives to assure that each member of their school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. They work to educate teachers, students and the public at large about the damaging effects of homophobia and heterosexism and seek to develop a school climate where difference is valued for the positive contribution it makes in creating a more vibrant and diverse community.
Photos from the Exhibition & Community Collaboration

Partner Organizations