The Story of Passover Interdenominational Panel
Past Event
The migration of Moses: crossing borders and religions
This interdenominational panel will center on the story of Passover and looks at its importance from Judaic, Christian, and Islamic traditions.
Along with members of local religions, we hope to answer the question: how does the story of Passover inform and teach across religious traditions?
As part of our Untold Stories: Migrations series, this panel will examine the story of the migration of Moses in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
BIMA is following the COVID-19 recommendations and guidance from Kitsap Public Health District, Washington State Department of Health, and the CDC, and will continue to update health and safety policies as needed. At this time, masks and proof of vaccination is not required–but we welcome you to wear a mask if you choose.
We recommend visiting our website prior to this event for the most up-to-date policies.
Special Guests
Rabbi Darío Feiguin
Rabbi Darío Feiguin and his wife, Yudi, joined Congregation Kol Shalom in November 2019. With years of experience building dynamic Jewish communities in Argentina and Costa Rica, Darío and Yudi both bring fresh, exciting perspective, joyful optimism and profound Jewish soul to our community.
Sheelan Abdullah
Sheelan Abdullah is originally from the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Her family came to America in 1992 as refugees fleeing from Saddam Hussein’s genocide against the Kurds. She is a member of the Islamic Center of Kitsap County, the first and only mosque in all of Kitsap County.
Pastor Erin Grayson
Erin Grayson is a graduate of Yale Divinity School, and an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church.
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