smARTfilms: Childhood Framed – “The Spirit of the Beehive”
Past Event
Join BIMA for five weeks of films curated by Steve Tremble, Bainbridge Arts & Crafts executive director and a former director of Cornell University’s film program.
The works in this series are not childrens films, but films about the mysteries of childhood which, of course, are the same mysteries we carry into adulthood. These comedies and dramas, rich in observation and allegory, are both as simple and complex as childhood itself.
Matinee: 2:00 PM (Does not include facilitated discussion)
Evening: 7:30 PM
Featured Film – The Spirit of the Beehive (1973)
Directed by Victor Erice | 99 mins | NR
Shot in boundless twilight, this unforgettable first feature by Victor Erice is imbued with a painters sensibility. Two sisters see James Whales Frankenstein when a travelling cinema comes to town and one of them (Ana Torrent in one of the great child performances) is so haunted by the experience she searches for the monster in and around her small villagea place inhabited by the specter of Franco.
“An almost perfect summation of childhood imaginings.” – Derek Malcolm
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