Ma Vie en Rose – smARTfilms: Rainbow Reels
Past Event
(1997) 1h30m R French with English subtitles
Seven-year-old Ludovic (Georges Du Fresne) announces to his startled parents, Pierre (Jean-Philippe Écoffey) and Hanna (Michèle Laroque), that he is in fact a girl. His parents first view his newfound taste for girls’ clothes and toys as a harmless phase, but as other neighborhood parents grow concerned — particularly Albert (Daniel Hanssens), Pierre’s prudish boss and the father of Jerome (Julien Rivière), the boy Ludovic has decided he wants to marry — they take steps to “cure” him.
smARTfilm series offers two film showings each day!
Matinee: 2pm
Evening: 7pm
See all films at a discounted rate!
Series pass holders can use their pass at their choice of either the matinee or evening showing for each film. Simply show up at your desired showing and we’ll check you off our list!