Invaders from Mars – smARTfilms: They’re Out There! Series
Past Event
Since the dawn of time, we have been speculating whether we are alone in the cosmos. Fortunately, the film industry has answered that question even though science has not.
Join us to see how Hollywood has depicted encounters with those from other worlds in our sci-fi series They’re Out There!
At BIMA, we are dedicated to inspiring curiosity and wonder—and following it wherever it leads. This month, follow us on a journey off planet!
FEATURED FILM – Invaders from Mars
1953 | 1h19m | PG
Classic Sci-Fi film directed by William Cameron Menzies
A curious young lad must confront aliens who have set up base in his backyard and who are using mind control on the local townsfolk. But how can he repel the insidious intruders when all the adults in his world are under alien control?
Bonus Pre-film: We will be featuring “Plan B” a live 10-minute play written by renowned playwright, and Bainbridge local, Maria Beatty.
smARTfilm series offers two film showings each day!
Matinee: 2pm
Evening: 7pm
Series Passes – $30 Member | $36 Non-Member
See all four films for the price of 3!
Series pass holders are entitled to attend one showing per film (fourtotal showings per series pass). Series pass holders can use their pass at their choice of either the matinee or evening showing for each film. Simply show up at your desired showing and we’ll check you off our list!
Individual Tickets – $10 Member | $12 Non-Member
BIMA requires proof of full COVID-19 vaccination for all attendees of programs held in the Frank Buxton Auditorium or BIMA Classroom. Masks are required for all attendees regardless of vaccination status. Learn more about this policy here.
Invaders from Mars (1953) Trailer
smARTfilms Sponsors