A Conversation with Path with Art: Creation, Isolation and Community (Online)
Past Event
Join us for a conversation with Path with Art participant artists, who will share their art forms and what they created during the pandemic. Exploring the concept of isolation, they will talk about how we’ve navigated this experience as a community, as individuals and, as artists. Featuring Path with Art teaching artists, CEO Holly Jacobson, and participant artists. Moderated by BIMA.
About Path with Art
Path with Art fosters the restoration of individuals, groups, and society from the effects of trauma through arts engagement and community building. Art has always been a powerful tool in times of crisis—a means of resilience, a way to join together, a salve for our pain. In this unprecedented time of social distancing and isolation, we hope to continue to use the arts to help our community stay connected, relieve stress and anxiety, and tune in creatively because well-being is about much more than physical health. In the best of times, many of our participants struggle with feelings of anxiety and isolation as part of their everyday experience and cite Path with Art as an essential way to reduce stress, manage mental health, and connect to the community. We are deeply committed to continuing this sense of community and healing at a time when people are more physically isolated and anxious than ever.
6:00pm – 7:30pm
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