BIMA & Hiatus: Silence by Bayla Rosenkotz
BIMA is excited to announce a new partnership with Hiatus Magazine, an online compilation of quarantined teenagers’ most creative works. On BIMA’s social media, we will be featuring pieces from Hiatus’ spring 2020 issue featuring works by their teenage contributors created and imagined while sheltering at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Any written works will appear here on BIMA’s blog for you to read in its entirety! You can also see all the works from Hiatus’ most recent issue on their website here.
Now on to today’s featured work!
Silence by Bayla Rosenkotz
your silence right now is deafening
we are screaming in the streets
as you post your drinks by the pool and throwbacks to last years vacation
we will remember your silence
in a time when all voices were called
to rise up
to demand action
your silence rang out
slicing like a battle cry
through our calls
no justice no peace
your silence sharp and pointed
lodging itself in the barrier
protecting the oppressors
pushing us back
no justice no peace
your silence is heavy
we are carrying the weight of their names
saying their names
as your silence drags us further down
no justice no peace
we will remember your silence
as our souls bleed and our feet blister
we’ll march through the streets
and remember your silence
Be sure to follow Hiatus Magazine at their Instagram and check out all the work on their website here.