maquette of Billy Frank Jr. at the unveiling in the State Capitol Building.

Pop Up: Billy Frank Jr. Statue Maquette for National Statuary Hall
Past Event

Washington State passed legislation in 2021 to send a statue of Nisqually tribal leader, activist, and humanitarian Billy Frank Jr. to National Statuary Hall in Washington, D.C. The legislation notes, “Billy Frank Jr. dedicated his life advocating for equality, justice, and environmental protections. He fought to protect tribal treaty rights, native cultures and traditions, and the natural resources they are based upon.”

The roughly half-scale maquette of the statue will be on display in BIMA’s lobby May 7-15, 2024. Created by renowned Chinese-American sculptor Haiying Wu, the design depicts Billy Frank Jr. smiling and seated comfortably at the Nisqually River’s edge with leaping salmon and a traditional fishing net laid at his feet. The full-scale statue will be over nine feet tall and cast in bronze. BIMA visitors are welcome to take part in this special opportunity to see Wu’s craftsmanship up close and experience history in the making.

Haiying Wu was born in China and attended the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. He worked as a sculptor and created public artworks in China. Wu emigrated to the United States and received his Master of Fine Arts in sculpture from the University of Washington. He has created well known memorials around the Pacific Northwest, including the Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Seattle’s Pioneer Square neighborhood.


The project is facilitated in collaboration between the Nisqually Indian Tribe and the Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA). Click here to learn more about the project.
Photo by Jack George, Nisqually Communications & Media Services.


May 7 – May 15, 2024


Museum Lobby


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